
Sometimes it’s these very people who you may have crossed paths with, become the best of people in your life.

It’s almost like you have known them for a very long time, even though you may have just met, they feed your mind and soul, like they understand every word, silence and breath you take, just like a soul mate.

They’re to keep and not to lose. 

Image owner unknown, found on a social media site. 

Morsels of my Soul

My writings are the pieces of my inner soul, curbing to be extracted through my colourless ink. 

I write, without shame or without fear, bringing forth the pain held deep, held within.

The anguish beholds behind the dropping of tears, feelings gushing  forth to reach their escape. 

I write, the morsels that feed my soul, to place at bay the anguish, the musings I withhold. 



Image from pininterest posted by a community contributor, I’m not sure of the author behind it. 

Love Falls – Poem 

Eyes adorned with shadows, red shot, dark and pained,

the ocean descends at its leisure, with force, disregarding its owner as mundane.

She stands, carrying her defiant armour, defeated at the war of love, she thought she had accomplished its art, but failed in the midst of its travels. 

She speaks diligently, facing her once most loved; now an enemy, 

I depart from thou, to safeguard my soul from any further brutality. I assure; thou wishes the same’.

She musters deeper to gain control, yielding all strength she can decipher,

‘hold on oh heart of mine’, she whispers, ‘don’t fail me yet’, allow me to reach a secluded visual before you avenge me for my errors.

She carries herself out, humbling before her palpating organ, in order to request a calm, a subtle punishment. 

He stands, gazing at the unfolded horrors, dumbfound by its end, subduing his inner turmoil, yet failing to make amends.

He falls upon the ice cold ground, witnessing the sudden, swift change; in mood, in air,

he whimpers as his sacred love departs, and darkness embraces his fate. 


A poem penned following my short story. This composes what the story contained but in poetry form. 

Daily Post Prompt

Your Words 

Dear fellow bloggers, 

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for following, liking and commenting on my work. 

I appreciate your kindness, your support and words of encouragement, so thank you very much.

Due to this I would like to open up a weekly visit post for all of you who have been following and encouraging me at each and every step. 

I often try to visit everyone that follows or visits me, to read your posts and leave a few words to either encourage or compliment your lovely work of art. However I have been struggling to do so as either WordPress isn’t being, me friendly or I’m not doing it right (the joys of advancements). 

So therefore I welcome you all to post a link from your blog every week (please post one link only, per week), for your most recent post. I will refresh this post every Thursday as a reminder for all to revisit and leave a link for your most recent post.

I aim to visit each one of the links posted, take my time to read and even leave a comment. This not only allows me to visit your blog, but also gives you some exposure on my blog for others to visit too.

This is a gesture from me to you, to say, thank you. 

So post away. 👍🏼


Note: Any post links containing hate or anything relating to that nature will be removed. 



The Wind breathed with swift motion thrusting the vibrant leaves with all its might, allowing the trees to falter from one side to another. The scent of fresh grass, autumn leaves always made me smile. I stopped to inhale, taking it all in at once, before it escaped or was lost. One couldn’t trust the weather here, I certainly didn’t, as one moment the fresh breeze excited us to explore it’s warm colours, and then came the rain without warning, dampening all what was around and taking away the fresh aroma so quickly that I had already forgotten its taste.

I held my hand to stop the gust of wind, accompanied with leaves taking another stride my way, protecting my face from its possible attacks, I regained myself, moving a strand of hair that had become loose, and placed it behind my ear for support. Calmness inhabited all around, all silent, just the sound of leaves rustling now and then. The wind taking pauses before deciding to remind us of its presence. The birds perched on the branches, flying away all of a sudden to other destinations. I lean over to feel the soft, smooth leaves, caressing them gently just in case the colours faded, admiring their transformation through the seasons, their beauty more so now than ever before. I sighed, placing them down gently, then leaning against the tree, I sat, smiling at the scenery before me, then remembering why I had come here, I pulled out my book and began reading, drowning into a new adventure; away from reality. 


I haven’t been able to post for a while, so I apologise, exams and revision have taken over, even though I enjoy it but I am finding it hard to manage time for blogging. However I aim to post at least weekly for the time being. Thank you to all of you who take the time out to visit and read my blog.

Transformation – Daily Prompt

3 Days 3 Quotes


Aaah! yes, you guessed it right, I have been nominated for the 3 days 3 quotes challenge by Olive Ole. I would like to thank her for kindly considering me to be part of this challenge. Please do visit her blog; her photos during her travels are amazing, plus her experiences she shares with us all are quiet exotic. Thank you olive.

Now, as you can imagine the limitations of just sharing, one quote amongst the numerous I love, it wasn’t easy, a very difficult task indeed. I was so close to slipping in two but realisation hit me that it is after all one quote per day. One quote! it is brutal I say, however I managed, so I will share my first quote for the day followed by another two quotes in the following next two days.

So I chose Oscar Wilde.


Beautiful! Well said Mr Wilde, I couldn’t agree anymore.


For those of you wondering how this works, allow me to explain the simple steps. Once you have been nominated by another blog user, you must follow, the following steps

  1. Post three quotes for three days.
  2. Add three nominees each day (no repetition).
  3. Thank the person who nominated you.
  4. Inform the nominees.

Day 1 Nominees:

Kavara Stories

Martian Poet

Roberta Pimentel

Do check out their blogs, you wont be disappointed.


Thank you


Whispers – 2 

Whispers – 2 

Tears trickled down her cheeks, as she murmured her ordeal, ‘I deserve to be free, I deserve to live’. Her sobbing grew louder, as she screamed with full force, her knees became weak as she fell to the ground to garner some support, still clinching the knife, She had always fought for others but was failing to hold and fight for herself. The touch of the knife upon her wrist trickled drops of blood, the sight of it made her dizzy. As she remained still to regain her hold. She could hear footsteps, eager, frantically searching for something. She held her breath in horror, he was back, he had found her, as sweat trickled down her body, panic overtook her, she fell with a huge thud, darkness was overtaking her as her eyes closed slowly till she lost conscienceness.. 

To be continued ..

Daily Prompt