The secret code to writing a best seller

Is there such a thing as a secret code to a best seller or is it a myth?
Well I decided to conduct some research to find answers and stumbled across some very interesting advice from various authors. The likes of Stephen King, Sylvia Day, Archer and Jockers (you get the idea).

‘An arresting opening line is crucial to ensnaring an audience’

I agree, absolutely spot on, it is the opening of the book and even first line which captures or ensnares the audience. Personally for me; the opening of a book is a deciding factor whether I will read further on or not. I often give the author many opportunities before I finally decide to abandon a book(which is pretty much towards the end of it).
Whilst Stephen King elaborates a little; 

‘You should focus not on plot but situation, the most interesting of which can be expressed as a ‘what-if?’ question. Go easy on the research, beware of dialogue, and remember that people love reading about work. “God knows why but they do”.

Work, hmm, maybe it’s because they would like to relate to it in a way(I think).
Another interesting piece of advice  by one of the authors Jeffery Archer; 

 ‘Just make sure the reader has to turn each page, desperate to find out what happens next. It’s that easy’ – Jeffrey Archer
We all have been there, enjoyed good books and still do, where we are eager to find out, what happens next, curiosity doesn’t just kill the cat, it pretty much kills us too. 

To read the full article, click ~ The Secret code to writing a best seller
