Empty Spaces




Are my words,

lines and verses,

the only way for people to read me.

What if I left dots . . .

and empty spaces.

would they not suffice to know me.

What about a barren land,

that is left deprived of any existence ..

That emanates to bring forth

some of the greatest verses,

poems, and stories.


Are my words,

lines and verses,

the only way for people to read me.




If only there was more emphasis on reading people more than what’s around them.

Image rights: Rebloggy.com

89 thoughts on “Empty Spaces

  1. This poem is so simple, yet so profound. It is full of questions and answers at the same time. I think that if I read your words only, I’d get to know you, who you are and more. Words mirror what’s in us anyway. Wow, I tell you this poem is worth a weekend workshop at least. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WoW!!! this one’s a mind bender…….so many thoughts……..even if words were the only way to read me…….would people understand?………..many a times, i have found myself….hiding…….in punctuations and sacrificed between words……between lines. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I leave this poem feeling thankful to you Sobia, truly you always give me something to think about with my whole heart and soul. You take me deep inside of myself to ponder such things and it’s a beautiful place to be! ❤ You also have such a way with words! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Maureen, your kindness humbles me.
      Thank you for making my day, your kindness and being yourself, keeps fellow bloggers like us keep writing.

      I thank you and I hope my words drive you to keep writing and keep striving.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Its it what makes the world go round, inspiration! You are very welcome sweetheart! I hope you are well and have a wonderful day! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  4. The image of the window, your words, I like it all. Your poem made me think of when I am misunderstood by someone I love and the tension that builds when it is left unresolved. In those times, I’d rather not even speak for fear of my words being misconstrued again, all I care to leave are empty spaces so they can fill it with their own words. Lovely poem. Touching. I enjoyed it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaww I’m so happy to hear your kind feedback, especially your thoughts.
      I wrote it whilst making sure my words emanated directly from where my emotions are connected so readers could connect to it too.

      Yes sometimes silence helps for the misunderstandings to lay at bay and eventually disappear for the moment or so.

      Love the way you explain it, you have hit it on the nail.
      Thank you ever so much for stopping, your presence is much appreciated and welcomed at anytime.

      Thank you once again.


    1. No, but we use words and sentences to pen down what our hearts carry, to pen down our emotions and ordeals.

      Thank you ever so much, you never fail to make my day.
      Always a pleasure to have you here especially leaving your comments. Very much appreciated. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Kate, very kind of you to say so.
      It’s my pleasure and I am happy to know you liked it.
      Thank you for stopping by dear, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you.


  5. There is a great truth in this excellent poem Sobia. If only we could spend more time finding out about the person and not the material surroundings. Happy 2017 by the way and I hope it brings you much happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you Sobia, I love this. One must take interest and pay attention. I’m also aware that I must be generous with myself, that others may be able to know me if they are interested and are paying attention.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ever so much Jeff.
      I quickly pick up when another is indifferent or quiet.
      I sometimes ask their friends out of concern, not to nosey or as such if a certain person is okay. Many around me have just overlooked and told me I’m overthinking it and the person is fine. Till I gather my courage and approach them direct, I’ve been surprised how many have opened up to me because I noticed their behaviour change or saw a tear fall.

      Yes you’re right Jeff, they indeed will.


    1. Thank you ever so much. I’m happy to hear you liked it.
      It’s a sad reality too, maybe if we did start focusing more on those around us, you’d discover wonders, many barren and breaking within.
      Thank you for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

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