Love Falls – Poem 

Eyes adorned with shadows, red shot, dark and pained,

the ocean descends at its leisure, with force, disregarding its owner as mundane.

She stands, carrying her defiant armour, defeated at the war of love, she thought she had accomplished its art, but failed in the midst of its travels. 

She speaks diligently, facing her once most loved; now an enemy, 

I depart from thou, to safeguard my soul from any further brutality. I assure; thou wishes the same’.

She musters deeper to gain control, yielding all strength she can decipher,

‘hold on oh heart of mine’, she whispers, ‘don’t fail me yet’, allow me to reach a secluded visual before you avenge me for my errors.

She carries herself out, humbling before her palpating organ, in order to request a calm, a subtle punishment. 

He stands, gazing at the unfolded horrors, dumbfound by its end, subduing his inner turmoil, yet failing to make amends.

He falls upon the ice cold ground, witnessing the sudden, swift change; in mood, in air,

he whimpers as his sacred love departs, and darkness embraces his fate. 


A poem penned following my short story. This composes what the story contained but in poetry form. 

Daily Post Prompt

111 thoughts on “Love Falls – Poem 

  1. Such a powerful piece… great use of metaphors and I like how you also took advantage of the cold weather, so to speak to multiply the effects and feelings of sadness and letting go!!!—- happy holidays! ⭐

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a perfect example. So beautiful that when I read it earlier I didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t make me sound foolish. Just superb writing. The kind I aspire to writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Also dear, I’m not sure if you are aware but if you want other bloggers to visit you, when you leave a comment always like their post too. When you like their comment or post they can visit your blog by clicking your name from viewing their likes, but with comments that isn’t always the case unfortunately.
      I use to do that often when I started blogging but realised my error pretty soon after.

      All the best with your blog.


      1. My pleasure dear, it will help you get more bloggers garnered to your blog, I was only able to read your posts because you followed me so was able to visit your blog too.


    1. Thank you dear for stopping by and leaving a warm comment, it’s always a pleasure and much appreciated to see kind feedback left.

      I have written a short story piece on this in my prior post and then decided to pen a poem too.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. hi,

    I want to have a guest post in ur blog of my poetries?
    do u have such provision?.if yes,then how can I do so..& if no..then can u please suggest where I can post as a guest blogger or can u give some links of those bloggers with large no of followers & who allows guest posts


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for stopping by, at the moment I don’t offer guests posts unless I reblog a fellow blogger. However you may wish to contact Millionaire digest who are always looking for writers to share their work. I hope this is of some help.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is really beautiful with intriguing layers you’ve expressed so eloquently! I also love the ‘disregarding its owner as mundane’ line, as well as all of it! Glad I stumbled on to you. Love that about blog world! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, awfully kind of you to leave me such a kind feedback. I appreciate it greatly.

      Thank you dear, I’ve try to express the emotions of the one who would be broken by parting from their love.
      I’m glad that you like it.

      Liked by 1 person

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