
Sometimes it’s these very people who you may have crossed paths with, become the best of people in your life.

It’s almost like you have known them for a very long time, even though you may have just met, they feed your mind and soul, like they understand every word, silence and breath you take, just like a soul mate.

They’re to keep and not to lose. 

Image owner unknown, found on a social media site. 



The Wind breathed with swift motion thrusting the vibrant leaves with all its might, allowing the trees to falter from one side to another. The scent of fresh grass, autumn leaves always made me smile. I stopped to inhale, taking it all in at once, before it escaped or was lost. One couldn’t trust the weather here, I certainly didn’t, as one moment the fresh breeze excited us to explore it’s warm colours, and then came the rain without warning, dampening all what was around and taking away the fresh aroma so quickly that I had already forgotten its taste.

I held my hand to stop the gust of wind, accompanied with leaves taking another stride my way, protecting my face from its possible attacks, I regained myself, moving a strand of hair that had become loose, and placed it behind my ear for support. Calmness inhabited all around, all silent, just the sound of leaves rustling now and then. The wind taking pauses before deciding to remind us of its presence. The birds perched on the branches, flying away all of a sudden to other destinations. I lean over to feel the soft, smooth leaves, caressing them gently just in case the colours faded, admiring their transformation through the seasons, their beauty more so now than ever before. I sighed, placing them down gently, then leaning against the tree, I sat, smiling at the scenery before me, then remembering why I had come here, I pulled out my book and began reading, drowning into a new adventure; away from reality. 


I haven’t been able to post for a while, so I apologise, exams and revision have taken over, even though I enjoy it but I am finding it hard to manage time for blogging. However I aim to post at least weekly for the time being. Thank you to all of you who take the time out to visit and read my blog.

Transformation – Daily Prompt

Broken Mirror

A silent cry, a silent tear, no one around to compel; see or hear.

Loneliness my companion, a strange friend indeed, that eats me away within, slowly; reminding me of my deficiency.

No knock or sound except of footsteps travelling another direction, I hear, I see, but stare in hope of a familiar face, a familiar body.

The darkness aids my estranged friend, both mocking my surroundings, and then at me.

I mourn at what was once mine, and now forever gone. I reminisce at the days of happiness, as I lay still, as I lay lost.

Closing my eyes to escape, what is before me, allowing the stars, allowing the sky to envelope me,
holding; hoping; that tomorrow; will bring a better day, a better me.


Fragments of glass

She muttered her words as she struggled to speak,

nervously stroking her trembling hands, she looked tired, she looked so weak, I bravely managed to ask ‘who takes it out of you’?

She raised her bloodshot eyes, met my gaze as tears trickled down her cheeks, searching for words to describe her pain and mumbled the words B-R-O-K-E-N as she wept.

She seemed to smile in the public eye, yet carried her sorrow so  cut deep.

she was lost, hurting, deep down pain gripping,  desperately looking for answers, her longing for peace. A simple life, with being carefree, as living was becoming a cancer,

tearing her slowly; very slowly, withering away, her appearance began to show, it took her time to realise someone had to know.

Tears and pain don’t make her weak or signify that she has lost, they are segments of life, to trial her  patience, to make her stronger, more willed,

Just bear a little more;

for only a little remains..

she reminisced the words, as if to taste, whether bitter or sweet, absorbing them to aid her,

She closed her eyes, her dark circles visible, she breathed, heavily, yet quietly; fighting a gushing storm within, battling ardently to remain …

To discover; peace ..


I Must Write

.. I need to write, unleash the burden that needs relieving quiet often, to carry a world of words and emotions can become quiet tiresome. The best way is to share, to express without restrictions, to speak my mind, to free it from withholding or hoarding.

There’s much to say, to express with words, one’s struggles or dig deep to pen away what one may be enduring.  Sometimes it can become tiresome to talk and express to another, who struggles to understand or even recognise.

I often marvel at the thought of requiring company but yet remain alone at the same time. A silent friend, to understand the storms that often brew within, to know what deadly silence means, to look at the reflection that stands before them and say ‘all is going to be okay. All is going to be just fine ..

A handful of dust

A handful of dust

“My pen yearns to write how I feel, yet fails miserably. 

It can convey only a little of what I would like to express.

Sometimes I wish you knew without me having to say or speak, that my silence would be enough for you to understand the hidden messages.

My pen yearns to write how I feel, yet fails miserably.”

